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Hey there, I'm Chloe aka. The Aussie Sleep Coach

As a new Mum I understand just how important sleep is for both you and your child. While searching for ways to support my own little one with his sleep, I became incredibly overwhelmed by all the conflicting information on the big wide web (and I'm sure I'm not alone). Different sources offered conflicting advice – various books advocated different sleep strategies, and though sleep guides existed on many of the websites, they lacked the support I was personally chasing to correctly implement a strategy. While burying myself deeper and deeper in the overwhelm, I came across a certification course and that is where this business originated. 
Having worked in the early childhood sector for over 5 years and seeing how sleep, or lack thereof, affected each child differently, I knew I was onto something good. Anyone who personally knows me, knows I love everything surrounding children and their development. A younger me once said I would enjoy being a 'child specialist' one day... Here I am, living out that dream!  

My goal is to take the stress out of sleep training, creating a non-judgmental, supportive environment where we can work together to help your child sleep independently, so they (and you) can get the rest needed to thrive. It could be a minor adjustment needed to your current routine, or a complete turnaround. Rest assured, with a gradual and personalised plan, we will ensure these changes simplify your life, not add to the stress of it.

At Work
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